
Ways to improve digestive health naturally

Digestion is a seemingly simply yet complicated process that plays a vital role in overall well-being. Digestive issues like gas, constipation, diarrhea are very common that people often underestimate the seriousness behind them. Many people live with poor digestion until it causes major health problems. In this blog, let’s explore ways to manage your digestive health and improve your overall well-being.  

Gut Problems 

Gas is the first and most prevalent sign of digestive concern that still affects almost everyone frequently.  

Frequent stomach pain is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Treating it majorly depends on treating the symptoms.

Constipation is the most common issue when it comes to digestion. It reduces the bowel movements to three in a week and can cause other serious digestive issues as well.   

Hemorrhoids are found in veins in the anus which causes blood in the stools. 

An ulcer occurs when stomach acids and enzymes erode your stomach lining.   

Infection or bacteria can cause diarrhea which is two or more bowel movements in a day.   

Colorectal cancer or colon cancer are cancers of the digestive system which are debilitating.  

Celiac disease is a chronic digestive immune disorder that affects the small intestine. Gluten consumed in large amounts triggers celiac disease.

Crohn’s disease is a group of inflammatory conditions which causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and weight loss.  

Cause: Dietary choices are the most significant cause of gut problems. Knowing what food to consume and what foods to avoid can have an impact on your digestive health.  

Foods that improve your guts  

  • Whole grains are rich in fiber and promote regular bowel movements.  
  • Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are rich in fiber and promotes gut bacteria   
  • Lean proteins are easy to digest and helps people with IBS or bowel sensitivity. Add more lean proteins to your diet while avoiding fried foods.   
  • Fruits with high fructose or fruit sugar causes gas and bloating. Consume fruits with low fructose levels.   
  • Avocado is a superfruit packed with fibers, nutrients and less fat helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system, low-fructose food such as oranges, grapefruit is likely to cause gas.  

Ways to improve gut health  

Try probiotics 

Probiotics, known as the good bacteria are plenty of fermented foods like yogurt, pickles, berries, citrus etc. aids in digestion.

Get plenty of fiber 

Fiber promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria. These bacteria help break down food easily. Therefore, high fiber food relieves constipation and other gut related problems.   

Add healthy fats to your diet 

Incorporating sources of healthy fats such as monosaturated fats or omega3 fatty acids, found in foods like avocados, olive oil, salmon has numerous health benefits including protecting your gut.  

Stay hydrated 

Water is known to speed up the digestion process which is why it’s important to drink water after every meal. In any case, staying hydrated is essential for digestion.  

Eat mindfully 

Try eating without any distraction and chew your food thoroughly, enzymes such as saliva break down food easily and accelerates the overall digestion process.  

Manage stress 

Stress and ulcers are correlated. When you’re stressed, it has an effect on your digestion. Learn ways to manage stress to keep your gut happy even more.

Control alcohol consumption and quit smoking 

Alcohol consumption and smoking are not good for digestive health in the long run. Control these habits and make necessary lifestyle changes for better gut health subsequently.

Reduce salt intake 

Excessive sodium intake can cause bloating and damage your gut in the long run. Therefore. limit your consumption of processed foods and foods which contain high amounts of sodium.   

Physical activity 

Regular exercise and keeping yourself active can enhance digestive health and overall well-being.  

Digestion is a fundamental body process and improving it can lead to better overall health. Therefore, by consuming fiber rich food and following certain natural strategies and lifestyle changes can pave the way for happier, healthier gut. Prioritize your gut health and experience an enhanced quality of life. Schedule your appointment with Aarthi Scans & Labs.