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What is an Knee Lateral View X-ray?
A knee lateral view x-ray is a diagnostic x-ray examination of the knee joint to examine the structure and condition. This x-ray allows radiologists to detect bony changes and damage caused by arthritis or injury, as well as detect any foreign objects that may be present within the joint, such as glass or metal fragments. As a medical imaging study, x-rays can utilize low doses of radiation to produce images of bones and internal organs, making them an invaluable tool in medical diagnosis. A knee lateral view x-ray can help to diagnose conditions affecting bone health, such as fractures, dislocations and gout.
When is a Knee Lateral View X-ray prescribed?
A Knee Lateral View xray is typically prescribed if a medical practitioner needs to evaluate the anatomy of the knee joint, typically for patients experiencing pain or instability in their knee. It is commonly used for identifying degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis, fractures and soft tissue injury. It may be requested by an orthopedist after physical examination has failed to reveal the source of discomfort. Additionally, a xray may be requested before surgery to provide an accurate anatomical layout so that optimal results can be achieved following the procedure.