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What is an MRI Lumbar Spine Scan?
An MRI scan lumbar spine is a medical imaging procedure used to get a detailed view of the lower back, also known as the lumbar region. This procedure uses magnetic resonance imaging technology to capture high-resolution images of the soft tissues and bones in the back, including the spinal cord, nerves, and discs. By identifying any abnormalities or issues in these areas, doctors can better diagnose conditions such as swelling, degenerative disc disease, strained muscles, herniated discs, tumors or spinal stenosis. Overall, an MRI scan lumbar spine provides valuable information that can help doctors develop an effective treatment plan. Whether a person is experiencing chronic pain or simply concerned about their overall health, this diagnostic tool can provide valuable insights into their condition.
When and Why Lumbar Spine MRI Scan is Prescribed?
Lumbar spine MRI scans are often recommended by doctors in cases where there is a concern about one or more conditions affecting the lumbar spine, including: degenerative disc disease, fractures, spinal instability, tumors, infections, and spinal stenosis. In general, MRI scans are ordered when more information is needed to help make a diagnosis of lumbar spine conditions. They can help to provide detailed images that can show things like the size and shape of structures within the spinal canal, as well as the relationship of adjacent structures to the spine. When used appropriately, lumbar spine MRI scans can be a useful tool for helping to diagnose and manage a variety of different health conditions that involve the lumbar spine.