
Simple and effective tips to avoid asthmatic attacks

Asthma is a disease of the lungs that causes inflammation in the airways. When exposed to certain triggers, the lungs react and cause an asthmatic attack. The airways become swollen and inflamed, muscles around the lungs contract and narrowing air passages make it extremely difficult to breathe. An asthma attack can feel like someone’s sitting on your chest. The duration of an attack varies, depending on what caused it and how long the airways have been inflamed. Mild episodes are brief, lasting only a few minutes, more severe episodes last for hours to days. While mild episodes are relieved on their own, usually with a quick medication or the use of an inhaler, severe asthma attacks can be life-threatening and require immediate medical treatment.

Causes of Asthma attacks

  • Occupational asthma: Common triggers are air pollutants such as smoke or chemical fumes or strong odors such as perfume.
  • Allergy-induced asthma: Exposure to allergens like tree, grass or weed pollen, dust mites, cockroaches or animal dander.
  • Exercise-induced asthma: Physical exercises, extreme weather conditions and strong emotions can also change breathing patterns
  • Illness: Asthma attacks can also be triggered by flu, sinusitis or a respiratory infection.

What happens during an asthma attack?

The key to managing an asthmatic is recognizing and stopping the flare-up as early as possible. During an asthmatic attack, you may experience symptoms like

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness and pain
  • Severe shortness of breath

Simple steps to avoid asthma attack

To avoid an asthma attack, it’s important to be proactive and make certain lifestyle adjustments. Here are simple and effective steps to prevent asthma attacks.

  • Identify and avoid triggers
  • Quit smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke
  • Using HEPA Filters
  • Taking the medications prescribed
  • Immunotherapy
  • Breathing exercises or yoga

When to see a doctor?

Asthma attacks can be treated at home, but severe attacks can be life-threatening. If your symptoms do not subdue and keep getting worse, you need to see a doctor immediately.

  • Frequent coughing or wheezing that lasts more than a few days
  • Increasing shortness of breath and chest tightening
  • No improvement after using an inhaler

Asthma attacks can be distressing and have a significant impact on our daily lives. Taking control of your triggers, improving the air quality and adhering to prescribed medications can reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. However, early treatment and effective management of asthma may prevent long-term lung damage and help keep the condition from getting worse over time. Book an appointment with Aarthi Scans and LAbs.