
Mammogram: Separating facts and fiction

You’ve probably come across various stories surrounding mammogram– some true, some not. Our aim is to sort through these myths and realities, ensuring you understand the significance of mammograms – the vital tool that helps detect breast cancer early, safeguarding your well-being before it becomes a more serious concern.

#1 Mammograms expose you to harmful radiation

While a mammogram does use a small amount of radiation, the radiation exposure from a mammogram is very low and considered safe. The risk of harm from this level of radiation is extremely small compared to the potential benefits of early breast cancer detection. It’s important for women to discuss the need for each X-ray with their healthcare professional.

#2 Self-examinations are enough

While breast self-exams are important to check breast health, they are not a replacement for mammograms. Mammograms detects breast abnormalities, including tumours, at an early stage, often before they can be felt during a self-exam. Regular mammograms, combined with breast exams can provide the best chance for early detection and treatment if necessary.

#3 Mammograms are too expensive

The cost of mammograms is lower than what treating breast cancer would cost. Mammograms are a cost-effective way to detect breast cancer early when it’s more treatable and less expensive to manage. Prevention through regular screenings is a wise investment in your health.

#4 Mammogram is a painful process

While some women may experience some discomfort due to the compression of the breast tissue, mammograms are generally painless and the entire process is relatively quick.

#5 If I had a mammogram last year, I don’t need one this year.

Breast cancer can be aggressive, and it’s essential to remember that a lot can change in a year. Tumours can develop and grow quickly. Regular mammograms, generally recommended annually, ensures that any changes in the breast tissue are detected promptly. The chances of successful treatment and a positive outcome are significantly higher, when cancer is detected at an early stage.

#6 I don’t have any symptoms or family history; I don’t have to take a mammogram.

Many breast cancer cases occur in individuals without a family history. Regular mammograms help catch any issues early, even before symptoms appear so it’s recommended that all women undergo regular mammograms as part of their preventive healthcare routine. Do not skip your annual mammograms thinking you are not at risk.

If you fall under any of these categories, you should take a mammogram!

Women Over 40: Women aged 40 and above should consider having regular mammograms, as the risk of breast cancer increases with age. Starting mammogram screenings at this age can help in early detection.

High-Risk Individuals: Women with a family history of breast cancer, especially if it involves a first-degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter), are at higher risk. Those who carry certain genetic mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 should also start screening at a younger age and may need more frequent screenings.

Personal Medical History: Women who have had breast cancer before, even if it was in one breast, should have regular mammograms to monitor for recurrence or new developments.

Guidelines to follow before undergoing a mammogram

Whether it is your first mammogram screening or another screening, these are the steps you need to follow

  • Avoid using deodorants, perfumes, powders, creams, or lotions under your arms or on your breasts. These products can contain particles that might appear on the mammogram images and potentially cause confusion.
  • Take pain medication to ease your discomfort, if needed
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to remove for the procedure.
  • You can consume food, beverages and your medications as usual.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks or chocolates 2 or 3 days before the test as they make your breast more tender.

Knowledge is power, and now that you are equipped with accurate information about mammograms, you can make decisions about your health. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor to talk about the best screening options for you. Remember, your well-being matters and your journey toward optimal health starts with knowledge and action.

Schedule your mammogram appointment with Aarthi Scans and Labs!