
Breaking the top misconceptions that surround MRI scan

As medical technology is growing rapidly, It becomes increasingly challenging for people to stay updated. Unfortunately, this lack of knowledge has led to numerous myths surrounding MRI scan and other imaging tests.

What is an MRI?

MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging uses a large magnet, radio waves and computer technology to generate clear and detailed images of the body’s organs and structures. It is performed by a radiologist and helps diagnose the treatment for many conditions. Misinformation often leads to misconceptions in the field.

Myths surrounding MRI Scan

Let’s debunk some of the popular myths surrounding MRI Scan.

Myth: MRI exposes you to harmful radiation

Fact: This is the most popular misconception surrounding MRI. Unlike X-rays and CT which use ionizing radiation, MRI uses magnetic field and radio waves making it a safe imaging test not exposing patients to any harmful radiation.

Myth: MRI is a type of X-ray

Fact: MRI and X-ray are completely different imaging tests. X-ray uses radiation while MRI utilizes a magnetic field and radio waves to generate images of the body.

Myth: The procedure is painful

Fact: MRI scans are generally painless. Some individuals may find it uncomfortable to remain still for an extended period, which is required during the procedure. However, the scan itself doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort.

Myth: MRI causes cancer

Fact: There is no evidence to support the claim that MRI causes Cancer. Unlike other imaging tests that use ionizing radiation, there is no use of radiation in MRI hence it does not pose a risk for cancer.

Myth: Only used for injuries

Fact: MRI scans are versatile and can accurately diagnose a wide range of conditions beyond injuries. MRIs can also detect mental health conditions and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and bipolar disorder.

Myth: MRI machines are claustrophobic

Fact: While the traditional closed-bore machines may induce claustrophobia for some individuals. Open MRI machines provide a spacious environment, with magnets placed over and under the body. So there is a lot of open space for patients to lie. Opting for an open MRI can reduce the anxiety and nervousness surrounding closed spaces.

An MRI scan should not be a traumatic experience, but it has become one for many people. This anxiety often stems from misinformation or lack of understanding about the process. By being well-informed about what occurs during a scan and how it affects your body, individuals can overcome their fear. With over 35 years of experience, Aarthi Scans and Labs has 50 full-fledged diagnostic centres with a wide range of services from CT, MRI, Ultrasound scan, X-ray, Mammogram, OPG and Lab facilities. Our knowledgeable team ensures safe and reliable procedures. If you require an MRI scan, book an appointment on our website.